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Bayfront Health St. Petersburg expands COVID-19 vaccination program

Photo courtesy of Orlando Health

Bayfront Health St. Petersburg and parent company Orlando Health announced today that they are expanding COVID-19 vaccine availability to patients who are age 65 or over.  

The hospital system has already provided a significant number of vaccines to first responders and high-risk individuals. “Since launching our vaccination program in mid-December, we have administered 30,000 vaccines to team members, physicians, family members of team members and physicians over 65, first responders across the community, at risk patients over 65 and nursing home residents that hadn’t received the vaccine,” said David Strong, president & CEO, Orlando Health.  

Eligible Bayfront Health St. Petersburg patients will be contacted directly. Due to the limited supply of the vaccine, appointments are available on a first come, first served and are filling up quickly.  

“We know vaccine demand is high and we are working diligently to acquire additional supplies,” said Jamal Hakim, MD, chief operating officer, Orlando Health. “We will open and announce additional appointment availability as vaccine supply becomes available.” 

In additional news relating to vaccine access, Bayfront Health St. Petersburg has opened up an additional vaccination site. Those with appointments will now be able to receive their vaccines at either Bayfront Health St. Petersburg or Bayfront Health St. Petersburg Emergency Room – Pinellas Park. 

These announcements come in an effort to increase vaccine accessibility in the community and to help meet state goals to increase vaccinations for seniors.  

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